Monday, January 22, 2007

I picked up my car

Yay, I picked up my car! It's great. Woo Hoo. Only thing is, it started raining and my new car has spots on it. Bummer dude. It also has cat paw prints. Rotten kitty. I'm very happy with my new car. The kids aren't so sure yet, but Jeff and I definitely like it.

The hard drive on my PC is having serious problems. My computer won't even boot up, so if you are one to email me at my Boeing account, I recommend cc-ing me at my gmail account. I don't know how long it will take to fix.

I'm falling asleep as I type this, so it must be time for bed. Good night.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

My new transportation

Woo Hoo. I'm trading the Touareg for this, baby! Lower payments, sweet car :) I pick it up tomorrow. The kids did GREAT at the dealership. They played nicely in the cars. The salesguy gave them little BMW matchbox cars and a soda. He was very kind - he's from Scotland. A couple of salespeople commented on how well behaved Paige and Cam were which really made me proud! Oh, and then Paige had a poopy accident inside one of the cars. Doh. Thankfully, nothing fell out and Jeff got it all cleaned up. Poor Jeff and Paige.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cam whistles!!

Cam has been working very hard all day on learning to whistle. He'd had a little bit of success before, but not much. Finally, today he figured it out! He still has a bit to learn, but when he does whistle, it's very good! I was trying to take a nap through this and it kept waking me up. I was thrilled for him though, so every time I woke up, I helped him celebrate. *yawn*

YAY Cam!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Potty training and wood floors

Luckily, they really aren't related. Paige has now been accident free for two days in a row and she's even dry when she gets up in the morning. Yay, Binks!! Cam helps her celebrate every time she uses the toilet by singing and dancing and jumping around.

We are having new wood floors installed downstairs right this minute. It is going to be absolutely beautiful. We were going to do mostly carpet, but it turns out the carpet +pad was the same price as the wood and I'd definitely prefer the wood. Jeff has two appointments with potential brides tomorrow. Yay!

I took Cam to the doctor today for his 5 year check up. Doc says he looks great and is right on track for his age except his vocabulary is well above a normal 5 year old. Yay Cam! I was so proud of him too because he was wonderfully behaved and did everything the doctor asked him to do. What a wonderful boy he is! I love my Cammy boy.

Oh, I also asked about that horrible goose egg he got when he hit the staircase and I even took a picture to show him. Cam still has a lump you can feel where he got hit so I was a little concerned. The doctor said it's totally fine, nothing to worry about. He said it may take up to 6 months to fade and even then, it might never really completely go away. Cam didn't like that answer, but it isn't a big deal in reality. You can't see it, just feel it if you touch between his eyes.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Catch up

Okay, I'm just about caught up. Here are some random things I still wanted to add.

My parents came back from Washington DC on Friday. The kids and I picked them up at the airport. On the way home, they talked about their visit to the the House and the Senate. They said they saw Obama and Paige said "Obama Snowman? He's on TV!" She meant abominable snowman. We thought it was pretty funny!

Today Paige was tooting and she'd say "Fire in the Hole!"
Cam is really being a good kid lately after a rough couple of weeks over Christmas.
Paige has used the potty a couple of times "YAY!"

This evening Paige sat down near me and said "I put it back in the fire." Often, Paige will say things and I don't pay a lot of attention. I wasn't sure what she said, so I said "You put it in the fire" and she said "Yes." I said "WHAT FIRE?" and Paige said "Over there" and pointed to the stove where Jeff was boiling water. I went over there and she had put Cameron's pop up sucker that is in a plastic tube into the area where the gas fire was on heating up water! I have no idea why she would do such a thing, but it melted the plastic and was turning black. She promises she won't do something like that again. I'm just glad she told me about it!

We went sledding today on the hill beside our house. I didn't want to go at first, but it was a total blast! First time, I went down on a blow up sled and totally smacked into the neighbor's wood fence! Cam and I had a great time and then we invited Jeff, Paige and the dogs to join us. Everyone had a good time.

Cam is FIVE!

I can't believe it, Cam is now five years old. What a big boy! He got a few gifts and a gift card at Toys R Us which led to many more gifts! He posed with each of his presents so I could take a picture of them. There's also one of Cammy just being silly and one of him scarfing down the remnants of his cake. That was THE best cake ever, no kidding. Everyone loved it. It was amazing! It was a Coconut Cream Cake from the Honey Bear Bakery in Shoreline. YUM!!

Saturday, we went to Chuck E Cheese and Cammy's request. It was packed and loud! He had a blast though. Next time, I think we'll go on a Tuesday afternoon!

Here's a picture of some pictures he got there with his dad.

Random pictures

Here is a picture I took from our back door this morning. It has been very cold here lately!

I found some random pictures of Binks. If you ever can't find her, the first place to look is the library. She loves books, and she's usually in there!
Here is Paige being silly, right after a bath and sleeping on the couch.

Christmas cards

Before Christmas, the kids got cards from their grandmas and I took pictures of them opening them:

They always like getting mail! I see Paige was wearing her Tinker bell shoes.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Paige trains her horse

Paige just announced that her horse was peeing and ran him into the bathroom. I think she is getting it :)

Cam solves the potty problems

Paige is getting better at using the toilet. She still has accidents, but this morning she ran in to the bathroom and used her toilet. Yay Paige!!

Yesterday, I caught her starting to poo, so I carried her into the bathroom to finish up in there. I guess she was a little backed up because she was having a hard time getting it out and she started to fuss. Cam came running around the corner, skidding to a halt near the door and said "Let's try squeezing her!" followed by "That's what I was coming to do." Good thing we have Cam to help out.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Paigie and the potty

Paigie is sort of potty training. Yesterday, she told her daddy that she wanted to use the toilet and she did! So, we put her in undies. She had about 5 accidents yesterday, but only two today. Today she actually used the toilet twice. I hope she gets it this time. Jeff is pretty trusting with her. He took her out shopping without a diaper.

I took down the Christmas ornaments today and Paige asked for the angel on top of the tree so I let her hold it. She wrapped it up in her towel and put it in her stroller and started pushing her all around the house. So cute.

Cam is almost five years old! How can that be??

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Paige loves Paris

The last week or so, Paige has been saying she wants to go back to Paris. I'm not really sure she knows exactly what she's saying, but maybe she does. This morning, she walked past me, pushing her stroller and carrying her Madeline doll house/box and announced "Mom, I'm moving to Paris." I guess we should take her there again. No argument from me!

The kids had fun at Christmas. They got a treasure chest full of dress up clothes, and a play kitchen. They play with both of them every day. Cam likes to pull out the pirate accessories from the box. The other day, he wore a baseball batter's hat and had his pirate sword as a bat and was playing baseball with Binks. They got a ton of other presents too. Sheets, jammies, legos, pingu, dinosaur, blankets and the Little Mermaid DVD.

Cam is back at school today and Paigie is home with her Daddy.

I finished another quarter of school (yippee!) It's time consuming, but I kind of like it. I have pictures to post soon.