Monday, February 06, 2006

Do the refs ever go back and watch the game?

So the Hawks lost and I'm sad. YAY for Steeler's fans though :) It really could have gone either way, but seriously, those refs sucked.

Moving on... Poor Paige has her 18 month appointment in the morning. The rough part is the vaccines. I always feel like I'm betraying her when I hold her down for those shots and she starts screaming. Today, she learned that she can haul a chair over to the front door to turn the dead bolt so she can escape. I'm not sure what to do about that. When Cam was doing that, I had a door knob cover, but this house has a lever handle that is easy for a baby to open. It's funny that she does all the same things her brother used to do.

Gramma is coming tomorrow in the evening. Cam will be so excited because he gets to sleep in her bed for three nights in a row. Spoiled boy. :) It makes me so happy that my kids have so many people who love them.

1 comment:

Terena said...

They have door knob covers for levered doors now. :) I don't know how well they work, but it's worth a shot.