Paige is really starting to talk a lot. I think I remember Cam learning a lot of words and then puting them together, but Paige is learning phrases. She'll say 'Where are you, Mom?', 'I love you too', 'whatcha doing?', 'I don't know' and probably more, but I can't remember them all. every day she'll say something that surprises me. Yesterday she learned how to climb up and down the ladder to Cammy's fort. I guess now it's Cam and Paige's fort! Makes me really nervous, but she does a good job and I'm not sure how I'd keep her off of it anyway. It's just so HIGH.
Cammy is doing well too. He can write MOM and DAD now. He started drawing turtles yesterday and they are SO adorable. He also drew a picture of his grandma and his dad that I'm going to have to keep. I love his little drawings. I should scan them in so I can post them. He also says funny things. Yesterday we were in the car and he said 'Plural means more than one'. He was explaining this to Paige who really didn't care. She was interested in the toy dinosaur that she was calling a shark.
Jeff got an 800 number for his business with a British accent voice recording when you call. It's a crack up. His prices are now in line with Mike Colon and Me Ra Koh's.
Here are the pictures from this weekend.
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