Sunday, November 26, 2006

Our last day - Tuesday

Tuesday morning, we woke up and headed to Starbucks and the wine store. There was a girl at the wine store who was from Belgium and she helped us choose a case of good wines from Chile. I was worried about getting them all home safely and she showed us some bubble packs they have and demonstrated their effectiveness by dropping a bottle that was wrapped in one. Scared me, but it worked, so we bought them. She wrapped our purchases from Tarapaca too so it was all safe for the flights home. It was nice and warm again that day and Jeff and I headed up to the hill where there was a giant statue of Mary looking over the city. We drove up there and checked her out. We had fun just checking out the area and then we ran into the Castillo de Hidalgo and Jeff wanted to show that to me, so we drove up there. Turns out it's right about some beautiful Spanish style steps I'd wanted to see as well so we checked all of that out. Most of the Castillo was closed which was unfortunate, but the area was still beautiful and it was such a nice relaxing day. After that, we went in search of Los Buenos Muchachos again because Susie was worried she had left her really good rain coat there the night we went together. Luckily, they did have it so we got that back and then decided to just stay and have dinner there before heading to the airport. It was just as good as the other night except this time it was very quiet. The photographer showed up for work and recognized us from Sunday night (not sure if that was good or not!) and told Jeff he could burn those photos to a CD for him while we were eating. He had his little girl with him and she was so cute! He went and copied the photos and the little girl gave the CD to us. He was very nice. Really, everyone we met in Chile were very kind. From there, we headed to the airport. We stopped at the toll booth to Repay Rodrigo for the $350 Chilean Pesos he had loaned us the day we arrived and then we turned in the car and waited for our flight. I had a few thousand pesos left (not very much money, really) so I spent most of it in little gift shops because I couldn't really change it back to US dollars and I didn't want to just keep the money. I got a cute little wooden carved penguin and a magnet for our fridge that reminded me of Valparaiso. Finally, we boarded our flight and we were off.

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