Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cam's goose egg

Cam hit his head HARD last Thursday. He is so lucky he didn't split his head open! He jumped over the couch and smacked his forehead on the stair case.

Collin and his parents came over and the kids played with the police car together. They love to do this and it cracks me up. We definitely got our money's worth out of that car.

Below is a picture Cammy drew and a picture of Binks being a nutcase:

I finished my first quarter of school with two As! yay! I only took two classes :) Then I had to take a boring math class, but I finished the whole thing in 5 days. That felt good. Now I get to sit back and relax.

We are off to Chile soon. I'm so excited, but so nervous too. I will miss my kids so much! They are sweet.

1 comment:

Angelique said...

OMG, Poor Cam, I hope he is all better now! Page is a doll as usual and yay for 2 a's! Wow, Chile that is so cool....when are you going exactly? I know what you mean though about being scared, but you will be fine just be caredul! So why are you going there anyway? Heck you need the journal back so you can write all about it, which by the way thank you for it and the adorable trinkets I love them all and will cherish them!

Love ya,